Postgraduate Studies

The truth is that I have not thought about doing a postgraduate course in the future, but I would like to do one that is related to my career and that is oriented to improve people's quality of life. 
I think the reasons for doing such a course are mainly to improve my knowledge as well as to gain some new ones, to have many more tools in the case of improving people's opportunities. Also, doing post-graduate studies has a lot of benefits at the time of finding a job, along with the salary which is much higher. 
I would really love to do a face-to-face course abroad, and I hope it will be possible in the future. Although I like the online modality, I think that doing a course abroad in this modality loses a little bit the sense since you can't experience the country. I would like to take a classroom course outside of Chile since I could learn another language and get to know another culture, I think it would be a great experience since I have never left the country.
I really hope that in the future we can travel and take courses abroad to connect with other people from different cultures and enrich ourselves with their knowledge, I think it is an experience that we should all live because it is something that besides opening many paths in the workplace, it also does it in a social ambit. 


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